Nutrition 1 MIN READ

Curd and Khichdi: An Invitation for Hyperglycemia!

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Khichdi and curd make for a nutritious and balanced meal. Is that a myth? White rice Khichdi made has high simple carbohydrate content. It causes instant glucose release in the bloodstream. Curd does not cause glucose to build up, causing sugar spikes. But the damage caused by rice khichdi cannot be altered by curd.

From good to great: Optimising your enriched curd khichdi recipe
• White rice has a high GI. It causes a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Try black rice or cauliflower rice. They have good nutrients, fibres and a lower GI.
• Portion control is a good way to reduce the GI of rice.
• Consider adding a fibre-rich alternative carbohydrate source. Adding a salad to the meal help satisfy your hunger.
• Curd is a probiotic food. Consuming probiotics improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. It reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Curd is a rich source of protein and fats, making it a balanced diet.
• You can add 1tsp of ghee to khichdi. Ghee is composed mainly of saturated fat. Ghee helps lower the GI of the dish. It promotes better blood sugar control.

In summary, it’s important to consume white-rice khichdi in moderation. Balance it with nutrient-dense foods to promote better glucose metabolism. The above-mentioned nutrient-packed solutions for khichdi and curd provide a balanced and healthy meal.

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