Nutrition 1 MIN READ

Enjoy your Mysore Bondas with a Better food score

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

The Mysore Bonda is a fried dumpling popular in south India. It is made of maida or all-purpose flour, rice flour, curd and spices. Every bite of the bonda is lip-smackingly delicious, with a crispy outer covering and pulpy consistency.
However, there are full of simple carbs and trans fat. They contain high glycemic values and are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

How to optimise for a better score?
• While Mysore bondas are delicious, it is essential to control their portion size since they are fried. Try to consume only 1 to 2 pieces at a time.
• You can try and consume more protein before enjoying your bondas. Try to include 100 grams of cooked animal protein like chicken or fish or whey to keep you full for longer.
• If you enjoy cooking Bondas at home, look for different recipes with alternative flours and lower carbs. You can also try to air fry or bake your Mysore bonda.

When consumed, the carbohydrates present in Mysore Bonda are directly absorbed into the blood glucose levels. The carbohydrates break down quickly into glucose. Factors influencing the GI score are processing, using different cooking ingredients, dietary fibre and storage time. One can change the GI of high glycemic foods to make them healthier.

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