Nutrition 0 MIN READ

Navigating the Breakfast Aisle: Say Goodbye to Sugar Spikes with Low-Carb Cereal and Milk Alternatives

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Cereals are a go-to choice for breakfast all over the world. However, many are unaware that regular cereals like muesli, corn flakes, rice flakes, bran flakes, etc, are carb-overloads that lead to sugar spikes. Regular milk with which these are usually consumed has natural sugar that further propels sugar absorption. Nevertheless, low-sugar variants can be paired with nut-based milk for a healthier meal. To avoid hyperglycemia, portion control is essential.

Cereals and glucose optimisation may go hand-in-hand
• Replace with a cereal high in nuts and low in white carbs, such as almond flakes as a foundation.
• Instead of pairing with normal milk, choose nut-extracted milk, like almond milk. Even soy milk can be a good substitute.
• Control food portions (30–50 gms) and observe reactions.

Many types of breakfast cereal are high in carbohydrates which causes glucose spikes. Select shredded whole wheat cereals over frosted ones. Consider opting for high-fibre alternatives like oatmeal and porridge or no-sugar muesli that contains nuts instead of dried fruits. A healthier base, like almond milk, slows glucose absorption.

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