Do you have a cup of coffee with a splash of milk every morning? This is a habit that many enjoy. But, it can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. Coffee is a popular beverage consumed all over the world. It contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that can increase heart rate. This triggers the release of a stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol can raise your blood sugar.
How to Optimise Your Coffee with Milk intake
• To lessen the impact of caffeine on blood sugar, you can try switching to decaffeinated coffee.
• If you want to completely avoid the impact of caffeine, you can try different options like chamomile or herbal tea, which do not contain any caffeine.
• Consider having your coffee without milk to see if there’s a difference in your blood sugar.
• Try swapping dairy-based milk for non-dairy options like almond milk.
Both coffee and milk contain components that can affect the body’s ability to regulate glucose. As previously mentioned, coffee can cause the release of cortisol, which can prompt the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream. Milk can also increase blood sugar because it contains sugar lactose.