Nutrition 1 MIN READ

The Nutty Solution: How Almond Butter Can Help Regulate Your Blood Sugar

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Almond butter has a low glycemic index, which means it releases glucose into the bloodstream more slowly than high-glycemic foods. This slow release helps to prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes. To make almond butter when almonds are blended, their natural oils are released. These oils are considered ‘good fats’ which can help improve cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation and support heart health.

The Role of Almond Butter in Managing Blood Sugar Spikes
• Pair almond butter with high-fibre foods.
• Limit almond butter serving sizes to 1-2 tablespoons due to its calorie density and potential impact on blood sugar levels.
• Opt for natural or homemade almond butter to avoid added sugars, oils, and other additives that can raise blood sugar.
• Consume almond butter with meals that include protein, fibre, and healthy fats to stabilize blood sugar levels.
• Be mindful of overall carbohydrate intake when consuming almond butter or other high-carbohydrate foods while managing blood sugar levels.

Almond butter positively impacts glucose metabolism by slowly releasing glucose into the bloodstream, preventing blood sugar spikes and crashes. Almond butter is also high in healthy fats, fibre and protein, which promote satiety, reduce inflammation, and enhance insulin sensitivity. These properties help improve glucose metabolism by regulating insulin production and reducing insulin resistance. Thus, adding almond butter into your diet is a delicious and healthy way to support glucose metabolism and overall well-being.

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