Nutrition 1 MIN READ

The Potato Predicament: How Aloo Sabzi Can Sneakily Spike Your Blood Sugar

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

If you’re someone who loves to stay fit and healthy, you may wonder whether aloo sabzi (potato curry) and roti(flatbread) – two classic Indian dishes – are a good choice for your diet. Despite being a tasty and filling option, these foods can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, which can be concerning for some people.

Smart swaps for healthier blood sugar: alternatives to aloo sabzi and roti
• Swap regular roti for almond or lupin flour roti, which is low in carbs and won’t cause as much of a blood sugar spike.
• Instead of pairing aloo sabzi with roti, pair it with beans and legumes, which are high in protein and won’t cause as much of a blood sugar spike. For example, try aloo chaat salad with chickpeas or black beans.

Aloo sabzi and roti are high in carbohydrates, quickly raising blood sugar levels and leading to hyperglycemia. Aloo sabzi, in particular, is high in glycemic index (GI), meaning it can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is important for overall health, and making small changes to your diet can help. Consider swapping traditional ingredients for healthier options and pairing aloo sabzi with protein-rich foods to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels. This way, you can still enjoy the tasty flavors of Indian cuisine without compromising your well-being.

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