Nutrition 1 MIN READ

Veggies and Glucose: A Guide to Keeping it Balanced!

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Many people believe that having cooked mixed vegetables like corn, lima beans, peas, green beans and carrots helps reduce their blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, they fail to realise that the presence of simple and complex sugars in these vegetables gets quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to a glucose spike or hyperglycemia. It is important to note that certain things need to be kept in mind for better nutritional value.

Tips for optimising mixed vegetables for glucose control
• Try adding 100 grams of cooked protein to your veggies. Your blood sugar spikes can be stabilised by adding chicken, fish, paneer or tofu to your meals.
• You can also stabilise glucose levels by cooking with healthy fats like fresh ghee or fresh cheese.
• Your blood sugar may be stabilised by adding non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower to your meals. Since tomatoes are low-glycaemic foods, they are also an excellent option.

Vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. A mindful diet is more about how to eat specific foods and dishes. Meal plans can help you figure out your eating habits. Moreover, optimising meals can guide you on what you need to do to keep those glucose levels in check.

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