There is no harm in a serving of brown bread and boiled eggs as long as you know what is in your bread. Brown bread has simple carbs with low fibre content. Eggs have a low Glycaemic Index (GI) and carb count apart from being rich in nutrients, making them suitable for diabetic patients. Optimising this meal can help regulate your blood sugar levels.
Keep a check on blood sugar with brown bread
• Accompanying your brown bread with a bioavailable protein like eggs can stabilise the blood sugar spike after a meal.
• You can add a fibre-rich vegetable salad and fresh low-carb cheese to elevate this meal.
• It is better to choose alternatives like bread made of almond or low-carb keto flour or seed bread to make your meal extra nutritious.
Consuming brown bread leads to quick absorption of sugar in the blood and a spike in blood sugar. On the other hand, the low GI score and fulfilling quality of eggs create zero effect on blood sugar, making this a decent meal combination. Simply choosing bread from different brands and with whole grains such as oats can improve the value of this meal.