Nutrition 1 MIN READ

Ash Gourd Juice: A perfect healthy way to start your day!

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Ash gourd juice has long been believed to help regulate blood glucose levels due to its high fibre content and high concentration of various vitamins and minerals. Although drinking ash gourd juice may help you achieve your blood sugar control goals, it may cause spikes in your blood sugar if not appropriately managed. Let us see how you can prevent this.

Ways to optimise Ash Gourd Juice
• You may prefer eating whole veggies as sabzi or stir-frying it in minimum oil. Juicing a vegetable reduces its fibre content.
• Consider pairing it with healthy fats like curd or yoghurt for a well-balanced meal.
• To increase its nutritional value, you may eat it with high-protein food and complex carbs, such as a multigrain chapati.
• Enjoy it as a smoothie by blending the Ash gourd and not straining out all the pulp, as it is far more beneficial for diabetes.

Ash gourd juice is a very low-calorie, low-carb, and no-fat food, making it very beneficial for all those on a blood sugar-controlling diet. Juicing it, however, has certain disadvantages, such as getting rid of most of the fibre from the fruit and what is left mainly are carbohydrates, which is undesirable in diabetes. Moreover, more than one serving of the veggie is required to extract a glass of juice. Modifying the preparation method can help you reap maximum benefits without causing blood sugar spikes.

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