Nutrition 0 MIN READ

Enjoy Chicken and Chapati without blood sugar scares!

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Chicken is a lean source of protein that typically does not contain carbohydrates. Chapati is a type of flatbread made from whole wheat flour, which can raise blood sugar levels, especially if consumed in large quantities. This is because the carbohydrates in whole wheat flour are broken down into glucose (a type of sugar) during digestion, which can then be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause blood sugar levels to rise.

Improvised intake with a few moderations
• Try switching regular roti flour with almond, coconut, or other low-carb flour.
• Consider increasing the portion size of the chicken. Make it at least 100g per serving.
• You may add a bowl full of salad to the meal.
• Try following the food flow, i.e. salad, followed by the chicken curry and roti.

Roti has a high glycemic index (GI), which means that it can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels due to its quick absorption into the bloodstream. When paired with chicken, a lean source of protein that does not contain carbohydrates, the impact of roti on blood sugar levels may be reduced. Thus, it is best if you consider optimised chicken chapati intake.

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