Nutrition 1 MIN READ

Fishy Business: Exploring the Link Between Salmon and Blood Sugar Control

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

It is popularly believed that consuming salmon has potential benefits for glucose metabolism. Studies supporting this belief, have shown that the omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon may play a role in improving insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammation, and lowering blood glucose levels. All of these are essential factors in maintaining healthy glucose metabolism.

Optimising Salmon For A Metabolic Score Above 7
• Select high-quality wild-caught salmon that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
• Pair your salmon with fibre-rich vegetables, green salads or whole grains to slow down glucose absorption.
• You may consider adding healthy fats like olive oil and vinegar dressings to see a more stable glucose response. Avoid high-sugar sauces or marinades.
• Consider incorporating spices such as turmeric or cinnamon into your salmon dish to improve glucose metabolism.
• Aim to consume salmon a few times a week, as part of a balanced meal plan to maximise its potential benefits for glucose metabolism.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, particularly DHA and EPA, have been shown to relieve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. These are the key factors in glucose metabolism. Studies have also demonstrated that consuming salmon may help to lower fasting glucose levels and improve glucose control after meals. Additionally, salmon is a rich source of protein, which can aid in regulating blood sugar levels.

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