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From Garden to Cup: Optimise Herbal Tea to Regulate Glucose Levels

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Having herbal tea may positively affect glucose metabolism. This, in turn, is likely to reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes and other related conditions. But its effects depend on how you take it. Caffeine-based herbal teas, like green tea, may have an insulin-sensitising effect. This causes a drop in blood sugar levels and leads to hypoglycaemia.

Balancing glucose levels while enjoying herbal tea
• Avoid the insulin-sensitising effect by drinking herbal teas with no or low caffeine content, such as chamomile or rooibos tea.
• Consider drinking herbal tea after meals to help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and reduce post-meal blood sugar spikes.
• You may want to avoid adding sugar or sweeteners to your herbal tea. Try using natural alternatives like stevia or monk fruit to prevent a sudden spike in blood sugar.

Drinking decaffeinated herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint may help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. But avoid caffeine-based herbal teas like green tea, especially those with added sugars. So, keep these recommendations in mind and enjoy your favourite herbal teas.

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