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From Milky to Marvelous: A Glucose-Friendly Coffee Fix

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Coffee may be your booster dose to kick-start the day, but having coffee with milk can make it harmful to your glucose metabolism. Milk contains lactose called milk sugar, which can raise blood sugar levels. Further, coffee consists of caffeine that can activate the release of the stress hormone cortisol. However, coffee may also cause hypoglycaemia due to its low glycaemic load. Hence, consuming it occasionally and in the right proportion is advised.

Adding coffee to your diet: The right way
• It is recommended to switch to coffee that has been decaffeinated and observe any changes in your blood glucose levels.
• It is suggested to substitute coffee with non-caffeinated drinks to regulate your glucose metabolism and manage your caffeine consumption.
• You may incorporate black coffee without milk into your diet as it could be beneficial in maintaining stable glucose metabolism.

A study conducted by the European Journal of Nutrition states that coffee with skim milk led to a decreased postprandial glucose and insulin response compared to coffee with whole cream or milk. Moreover, it suggested that customised dietary advice is required to optimise glucose metabolism in various populations.

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