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Accessing HRV data on Apple Health

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Jun 12, 2024
Apple health

How can I manually enable permission to access HRV data after denying permission on the UItrahuman App?

  1. Go to the ‘Health’ app on your iPhone
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2. Go to your ‘Profile’ by clicking on the image on the top right corner

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3. Go to ‘Apps’

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4. Select ‘Ultrahuman’

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5. Click on ‘Turn All Categories On’

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6. Your data will now begin syncing with the Ultrahuman app. Ultrahuman records your HRV data for three days to set up a baseline and then provide recommendations accordingly.

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Where can I find my HRV data?

  1. Open the ‘Heath’ app on your iPhone
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2. Go to ‘Browse’ tab and select “Heart”

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3. Go to “Heart Rate Variability”

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4. You should be able to see your HRV data here

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More on Apple Health

What is HRV?

How to check your Heart Rate on Apple Watch

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