Nutrition 1 MIN READ

Lactose-free milk: The Better Milk Option

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Lactose-free milk is cow’s milk from which lactose, a natural sugar found in milk, has been removed or broken down into simpler sugars, such as glucose and galactose. Thus, lactose-free milk can be a good option for people struggling to digest lactose. However, additives like sugar and caffeine can cause a spike in blood glucose levels. If had with coffee, caffeine can increase blood sugar since it increases cortisol levels, which raise blood sugar by releasing stored glucose. Sugar, syrups and creamers can also contribute to hyperglycaemic events.

Optimising lactose-free milk by switching to higher-nutrient milk
• Try to avoid additives in your milk, like glucose-rich syrups and added sugar.
• Try switching the brand of your lactose-free milk and shift to milk with a better food score.
• You can also opt for nut milk like almond and walnut milk.
• Try not to add coffee or any other caffeine product to your lactose-free milk.

In general, lactose-free milk can be considered a nutritious and healthy option for lactose-intolerant individuals. The glycemic index of lactose-free milk is likely to be similar to or slightly higher than that of regular milk. If you are concerned about your blood glucose levels, consult your healthcare provider for personalised dietary advice.

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