Nutrition 0 MIN READ

Mirchi Bajji without the Guilt: Healthy Coating and Crispy Results

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Mirchi Bajji is a popular Indian snack that consists of chilli peppers coated in a batter made from flour, spices, and water. While this tasty treat can be satisfying, the simple carbs in the coating can result in hyperglycemia and glucose fluctuations. Yet, with a few modifications, you can enjoy this snack without compromising your health.

Healthy Coating and Cooking Method
• Try using a low-carb coating (like almond flour or coconut flour) instead of regular flour. You can even use gluten-free coatings like crushed oats or chickpea flour. Check Lo! Foods for pre-made coating options.
• Consider air-frying or baking the Mirchi Bajjis instead of deep-frying them to reduce oil use.
• Try limiting your intake to a moderate amount. Be mindful of portion control.

The glycemic load of a meal determines its effect on blood sugar levels. A higher Glycemic load can significantly spike blood sugar levels. Thus, increasing the risk of hyperglycemia. By making certain modifications to the Mirchi Bajji recipe, we can reduce the glycemic load of this popular snack. Biohackers who want stable glucose levels will benefit from this.

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