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Nugget Your Blood Sugar Under Control: Enjoy Chicken Nuggets the Healthy Way!

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Chicken nuggets are a popular snack that is easy to prepare and are found in many fast-food restaurants. However, chicken nuggets can be high in calories, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients.

Chicken is a great source of protein that contains a negligible amount of carbohydrates. This means that it takes some time for chicken nuggets to be metabolised and used by the body for energy. However, combining them with sauces and carbs may lead to hyperglycemia.

How to Enjoy Chicken Nuggets without the Blood Sugar Spike
• Consider air-frying chicken nuggets instead of deep-frying to avoid unsaturated oils and unhealthy fats.
• Consider pairing chicken nuggets with a source of fibre like fresh greens salads instead of processed white carbs like wheat wraps.
• You can avoid dipping chicken nuggets in sauces or syrups as these might contain free sugars leading to high blood sugar.
• Heavily coated nuggets lined with breadcrumbs may lead to hyperglycemia due to processed flour from the bread. Thus, you can try minimising the outer coating.

Chicken is an excellent source of protein that is essential for building strong muscles, bones, and skin. However, if you pair your chicken nuggets with unhealthy fats and carbs, it can lead to weight gain and increase your risk of developing serious diseases.

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