Nutrition 0 MIN READ

Popcorn: A High Blood Sugar Culprit in Disguise

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Popcorn is made from corn, a carbohydrate, and when consumed, it is rapidly broken down into glucose, leading to a spike in blood sugar levels. The salt content in classic salted popcorn can also contribute to high blood pressure, increasing blood sugar over time.

Optimising the Intake of Classic Salted Popcorn to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels
• Choose air-popped or homemade popcorn instead of pre-packaged options, as they are typically lower in salt and free of additives that can contribute to blood sugar spikes.
• Limit portions, start with 50 grams, and enjoy classic salted popcorn in moderation to avoid overconsumption.
• Choose alternate snack options instead of classic salted popcorn, such as almonds, cashews, or homemade protein bars.

Classic salted popcorn is a carbohydrate-rich snack with a high glycemic index. However, if consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet, the impact of classic salted popcorn on blood sugar levels may be minimal.

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