Nutrition 0 MIN READ

Salmon: A Fin-tastic Way to Regulate Blood Glucose

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

The protein and fat in salmon combined with its low glycaemic index (GI) make it a good choice for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Additionally, the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, while the vitamin B12 in salmon may also play a role in glucose metabolism. However, it is important to note that overconsumption or pairing it with high-GI foods may still cause hyperglycemia.

Optimising salmon consumption
• Try pairing baked or grilled salmon with fibre-rich sources like green salads to promote better glucose regulation.
• Consider incorporating healthy fats, such as olive oil and vinegar dressings, into your salmon meal to stabilise glucose response.
• You may try alternate cooking methods to retain the nutrients in your salmon, like pan-frying.

Baked or grilled salmon is generally considered a healthy food choice due to its high omega-3 fatty acid content. However, high-fatty fish like salmon consumption can lead to an increased risk of hyperglycemia or high blood glucose levels. This is because the high-fat content can interfere with insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake in the body.

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