Nutrition 0 MIN READ

Sweet snacking without the glucose spikes- How to enjoy the Energy Balls 

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Be it the morning dash or the afternoon slump. There’s a new talk in the town. Energy balls set the ball rolling for old and young alike. The essential variety popular is the ‘date energy ball’. Apart from dates, content such as sugar and butter require your attention. Natural sugars are found in dates; if consumed in moderation, there is no known harm. But other contents affect glucose metabolism. 

Cutting the Sugar, Keeping the Energy
• Pair energy balls heavy on dates with mixed nuts like almonds and walnuts. Try adding some mixed seeds. 
• Prefer nut butter (peanut/almond) over others.
• Avoid having the balls immediately after meals.
• Make sure you control the portion. Try and have a single portion in 1 meal.

If the energy balls are date heavy, it increases their sugar content. Adding table sugar and butter, with a good quantity of dates, stresses the digestive process. A sudden increase in sugar levels should be avoided. It may result in hyperglycaemia. Moderation is recommended while enjoying energy balls. 

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