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Sweet Treats Made Healthy: Enjoying Puran Poli Without the Blood Sugar Spike

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

If you love Puran Poli but worry about its impact on your blood sugar, you’re not alone. Puran Poli is a traditional Indian sweet flatbread with a filling of chana dal and sugar and is made with wheat flour. This popular dish has a high glycemic index (GI), which means it can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. However, there are ways to enjoy Puran Poli without experiencing a spike in blood sugar.

Enjoy Puran Poli Without Spiking your Blood Sugar
• Have a small portion to keep your carbohydrate intake in check.
• Add ghee to the Poli to slow down the absorption of sugar and reduce the glycemic load.
• Eat it with a handful of nuts to add healthy fats and protein, which can further slow down the absorption of sugar.

When you consume high-GI foods like Puran Poli, your blood sugar levels can quickly spike, leading to hyperglycemia. This can be concerning for anyone who wants to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. However, making a few tweaks to your Puran Poli can help slow down the absorption of sugar and reduce the glycemic load.

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