Nutrition 0 MIN READ

Sweeten your day with a minimal spike in sugar levels with laddoos!

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Do you love laddoos? Ladoos contain high amounts of sugar and jaggery, which can cause a spike in glucose levels. They are also high in calories and fat, which can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance over time.

Make your laddoos healthier with the following tips
• Try adding plenty of nuts and seeds to the laddoos for fat. Fats help with satiety and slow down the release of glucose in the bloodstream.
• Consider using alternative sweeteners like stevia or honey. These have low GI and help regulate glucose levels.
• Try to control portion sizes. Eating too many laddoos can cause a rapid spike in sugar levels.
• You can eat dark chocolates, dates, and nuts if you are craving a dessert.

By making these above changes, you can eat laddoos without doubt and make it a healthier snack with minimal spikes in your glucose. As laddoos contain high amounts of sugar, consume them moderately and monitor your sugar levels frequently.

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