Nutrition 1 MIN READ

The Carrot Cure: How to Enjoy a Healthy Snack Without Spiking Blood Sugar

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Rich in fibre, carrots are a low glycaemic index (GI) food, which means they slow down the carbohydrate metabolism of a meal, resulting in a slower and more sustained release of glucose into the bloodstream. Though carrots prevent a quick rise in blood sugar, they can also sometimes lead to reduced glucose levels, resulting in hypoglycaemia. Let’s see how we can turn carrots into a healthy option for everyone.

Tips to boost the nutritional value of carrots
• Try eating raw carrots because cooking makes carbs readily available for the body to absorb and may cause blood sugar spikes.
• You may consider combining low-GI carrots with other complex carbohydrate sources like beetroot or sweet potato to prevent declining blood sugar levels.
• For a steady supply of energy, consider mixing carrots with a source of fat like nuts or seeds.

Carrots are non-starchy veggies with a low GI due to their high water and fibre content. Thus, it does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Carrots also contain antioxidants and ample amounts of vitamins and minerals, carotenoids and vitamin A that are good for general health, including your eyes. When eaten raw as a salad and meals, carrots also help control postprandial blood sugars.

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