Nutrition 1 MIN READ

The Milk-y Way to Better Blood Sugar Control

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Milk is a beloved beverage in many households. It is primarily made of the carbohydrate lactose. Since it’s carbohydrate-rich, milk has a high glycemic index (GI), thus daily consumption can spike blood glucose levels. Therefore, optimizing milk consumption is crucial for blood sugar management.

Milking It: Stabilising blood glucose levels with milk
• You can consider having full-fat milk instead of regular milk. Fats can balance the glucose imbalance caused by lactose. However, it is high in calories and must be taken in moderation.
• Try limiting the portion of milk intake to 100 ml per serving.
• You can try to make kheer out of milk such as paneer kheer.
• Consider switching to almond and soy milk. These are great, plant-based, lactose-free alternatives to cow milk.
• Try adding nuts and chia seeds to the milk. It can help reduce the overall GI of milk.

Milk has the carbohydrate lactose which breaks down into glucose and galactose in the body. Consumption of milk can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. Since milk impacts blood sugar levels, its consumption needs to be regulated even though it’s a good source of calcium, protein and energy. It’s important to optimise milk to keep blood glucose in check.

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