Nutrition 0 MIN READ

The no-so-sweet alternative to sugar

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Jaggery is a natural sweetener consumed in South Asian and African countries. It is made by heating sugarcane juice until it solidifies into dark brown colour. Although it contains nutrients, vitamins and minerals, jaggery causes blood glucose spikes. This is due to the amount of sugar content present. It gets absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and can lead to hyperglycemic events.

Managing blood glucose levels
• Substitute jaggery with sugar-free sweeteners such as stevia or erythritol. This helps in controlling blood glucose levels.
• Try to add a moderate amount of jaggery to nuts or seeds. This slows the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream.
• Follow a healthy, balanced diet low in sugar, jaggery, and fibre content.

Jaggery offers various health benefits, such as controlling cholesterol levels, possessing anti-inflammatory properties and more. Jaggery has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar. However, Jaggery is as good as refined sugar; hence, it increases blood glucose levels. Nonetheless, it is important to consume jaggery in moderation and consult with a healthcare professional for personalised dietary advice.

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