Nutrition 1 MIN READ

The sweet spot: Finding a balance between laddu and glucose control

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Laddu and desserts are high in sugar and can cause a spike in blood glucose levels, leading to hyperglycaemia. Over time, repeated high blood sugar levels can cause damage to the body’s organs and tissues. To maintain healthy glucose metabolism, it’s important to moderate the intake of laddu and desserts and balance it with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

Tips to optimise laddu consumption for better glucose control
• Pairing laddu with protein-rich foods like almonds or Greek yoghurt can slow carb absorption and prevent blood sugar spikes.
• Add nuts and seeds as they contain healthy fats, fibre and protein. They can help slow down the absorption of sugars and prevent spikes.
• Control your laddu portions by savouring a small piece for a longer time. Start by consuming only 1/4th of your usual sweet intake.
• Try to prepare laddu’s at home so you can control the ingredients.

Laddus are made up of free sugars that can be rapidly broken down into glucose in the body, leading to sudden spikes in blood glucose levels. The subsequent drop in glucose levels after the spike can lead to increased glucose variability, which can have implications for overall glucose metabolism. So, try to follow these suggestions and stay healthy.

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