Metabolic Health 1 MIN READ

Understanding your metabolic score

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Jun 12, 2024
avg glucose reading 1

What does the metabolic score mean?

Metabolic Score (ranging from a scale of 0-100) is an indicator of your overall metabolic health. It is a factor in your food consumption, activities performed, stress levels and quality of sleep.

How is it calculated?

It depends on three major factors:

  1. Glucose Variability
  2. Average Glucose
  3. Time in Target

Glucose variability

  • Understanding Variability: Glucose Variability is the ups and downs you see in your glucose graph.
  • Significance: A low variability indicates that you have a stable glucose trend, a sign of good metabolic health. A high variability indicates that your body is subjected to high glucose spikes and crashes, which may cause post-meal lethargy.
  • Improving Variability: A balanced diet will give you a flat glucose line without spikes and crashes and result in a better metabolic score.

Average glucose

  • Calculation Method: Average Glucose is calculated from all the glucose data points for that day.
  • Importance: Lower average glucose in the target range is good for your metabolic health.
  • Tips for Maintenance: Exercising well and eating food with a lower glycemic response will help maintain lower average glucose, thereby improving your metabolic score.

Time in target

  • Definition: Time in Target is the duration for which your glucose levels stay within the target range (70-110 mg/dL).
  • Monitoring Levels: Notice when your glucose levels go out of this target range.
  • Tips for Regulation: Taking a walk after meals (when your glucose levels exceed the maximum target) and eating a light healthy snack (when your glucose levels fall enough to make you weak) are proven ways to regulate your glucose levels.
  • Maximizing Time in Target: Maintaining your glucose levels within the target range throughout the day will help you maximize your metabolic score.

Note that at the start of your metabolic transformation journey, you might observe low metabolic scores. This is expected and okay. It is when you adjust your lifestyle choices in response to your metabolic score and build your metabolic awareness that you will start seeing higher metabolic scores.

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