Vegetable curry is a mandatory inclusion in food across India. It is a combination of vegetables cooked in a sauce made with a blend of herbs and spices. Preparing it with veggies low in carbs, such as broccoli, spinach, etc., has less effect on glucose metabolism. But when the curry is consumed with chappati or rice, the meal has a poor GI score due to increased carb content.
Healthy vegetable curry for a healthy you
• Pair the carbs with fibre, protein, and fat. This would slow down the release of glucose and improve the digestive response.
• Add psyllium husk to the flour used to make roti. This lowers the overall GI of the meal, making it healthier.
• Consider following this suggested food flow to your meals – fibre> protein > complex carbs. Prioritize the ingredients accordingly for a better glucose balance.
Adding high-carb vegetables such as potatoes and carrots to a curry is common. But, this content is broken down into simple sugar and released into the blood. It causes a spike in blood sugar levels. If frying is a part of the curry preparation process, the increased fat content causes more harm.