Nutrition 0 MIN READ

Vegetarian Kebabs- Not a Glucose-Friendly Starter

Written by Team Ultrahuman

Nov 01, 2022

Vegetarian kebabs are popular as starters at a party or while dining out. However, these carb-based kebabs coated in maida or wheat can shoot up your glucose levels. This is due to a high glycaemic index (GI) score of maida. On the other hand, if the kebab is low-fat and protein-based, it can cause a glucose flatline, a condition known as hypoglycemia.

Make some wise choices to make veggie kebabs glucose-friendly
• Try a high-protein kebab like a paneer tikka or a soya tikka.
• Pair them with fibre-rich salads like cucumber or greek salad.
• Avoid fried variants like Hara Bhara kebabs or vegetarian cutlets.
• You may try grilled kebabs as they are healthier than fried kebabs.

While a vegetarian diet may help control your blood sugar levels, veggie kebabs may not be ideal for this. Maida-coated veg kebabs have a high GI score, making them unsuitable for glucose optimisation. A grilled variant, such as paneer tikka, can satiate your tastebuds while regulating sugar levels.

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