Nayantara is a chef at the Circus Canteen, where the focus is on creating healthy meals that are nutritious but don’t compromise on flavour. The kitchen sources chemical-free produce locally and produces zero waste by composting everything. When you run such a tight commercial kitchen, it was natural to veer towards a health tool that would help her run her own body at the same efficiency levels.

- I wanted to bridge the gap between scientific data and food experiences. With the help of my Ultrahuman Cyborg, I was able to create a 4-course meal,
- I was an emotional eater and that wasn’t healthy. Food evokes memories and emotions, however eating needs to be more sustainable than that,
- The major tip I got from the Cyborg was how to use food sequencing to create whole meals that are healthy, tasty and won’t spike glucose levels.
In the past, health complications like PCOS, thyroid, obesity and physical injuries like ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear and a dislocated patella got her spiralling out of control for a few years. However, by the end of 2020 she decided to make a 180-degree change to her lifestyle and in less than a year she decided to up the game of her fitness journey with the Ultrahuman Cyborg. These are the learnings she gleaned from continuously monitoring her glucose.
- Consumption of alcohol isn’t suitable for everyone : The Cyborg opened a world of insights for me, especially about how my body was functioning during the most hectic time of the year, which for us chefs is December. In the last 2 weeks of December, I was working hard and partying hard. I was drinking a lot, eating without restraint at all times and not sleeping enough, although I ensured that I kept up with my exercise routine. I found out that out of all, let’s say unhealthy habits, alcohol didn’t suit me at all and that if I wanted to pursue a healthier lifestyle and fitness, I would have to give up alcohol.
- You can have a 4-course meal without spiking your glucose levels– As a Chef who likes to experiment, I wanted to bridge the gap between scientific data and food experiences. With the help of my Ultrahuman Cyborg, I was able to create a 4-course meal. The major tip I got from the Cyborg was how to use food sequencing to create whole meals that are healthy, tasty and won’t spike glucose levels. I served an amuse-bouche with fruits, an appetiser with roasted winter vegetables, a main course of tamarind glazed chicken with sweet potato and pumpkin mash and sauteed greens and salad and a decadent dessert of marble cake made with organic flour and 12 different winter fruits. I tested this 4-course meal on myself before serving the guests and the Cyborg helped me all along the way. My guests left with a full happy stomach without feeling bloated or overstuffed.

- You need to create your own fitness journey- Popular diets and exercises like intermittent fasting and HIIT didn’t suit me at all. The Cyborg helped me understand what exercises were suitable for me, when I should exercise, and what I should consume for my pre and post workout meals. I could see the results of what was working for me and what wasn’t and that was rewarding. Knowing your body and curating your own personal fitness routine can make all the difference to your journey towards great health.
- You need to have a positive relationship with food – I was an emotional eater and that wasn’t healthy. Food is meant to nourish your body. Of course, food evokes memories and emotions, however eating needs to be more sustainable than that. I still eat the same food, although now I am mindful of the proportions and combinations. Eating local food is much better for your body than fancy western food that may be healthy but still is foreign to your body.
- Don’t blame everything on genetics – We tend to put a lot of fault on our genetics, that if we come from a certain genetic condition, we will acquire those traits. It’s not necessary that if you have overweight parents, you will be fat. You can achieve health and fitness by tracking your habits and then replacing the unhealthy ones with good habits. You have to continue with your healthy habits and fitness routines and change will happen no matter your genetic predisposition.
Chef Nayantara is a passionate person who cares deeply about the environment and uses food as a medium of change. The continuous glucose monitoring through Cyborg helped her use food and fitness as a way to bring a positive change not just in her life, but create a nutritious 4-course meal for her patrons.
A few of the insights she learned from her CGM journey were that everyone’s fitness journey is different. Food sequencing is important, the order in which you eat your fibre, proteins, fats and carbs can make a difference. Alcohol didn’t suit her and she needed to have a more positive relationship with her food. Lastly, creating good habits and sticking with them can help overcome genetic traits.
In conclusion, one doesn’t need to be an athlete or fitness freak to achieve a strong healthy body. One simply needs to understand their body inside out, and the Cyborg can help with that. The insights you gain from your body can help you make fitness and dietary decisions that will prove positive for you. Also, please note that everyone’s Cyborg journey will be different and hence the insights gained will be different too. To understand what suits you, go on your own CGM journey today.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for general information and educational purposes only. It neither provides any medical advice nor intends to substitute professional medical opinion on the treatment, diagnosis, prevention or alleviation of any disease, disorder or disability. Always consult with your doctor or qualified healthcare professional about your health condition and/or concerns and before undertaking a new health care regimen including making any dietary or lifestyle changes.