Many foods, including fruits and milk, contain sugar, which is calorie-rich and sweet. It is essentially sucrose (glucose plus fructose), which will be taken up by the bloodstream and lead to a glucose spike, causing hyperglycemia. Consuming too many carbohydrates can lead to serious consequences. Whether derived naturally or from a commercial source, it interferes with your ability to manage your blood glucose. You need to understand your carb requirements and modify your intake accordingly.
Sweet Replacements for Sugar that are also Glucose Friendly
• Try using plant-based sweeteners like stevia.
• You should reduce sugar-sweetened beverages, drink them less often, and choose beverages with fewer calories.
• If you are craving sugar, consider eating dates. They offer several health benefits and are a healthy alternative to refined sugar.
• You may also use honey but in moderation. Its glycemic index is lower than table sugar.
• Thirst often feels like hunger. Keep yourself hydrated.
A primary type of carbohydrate, sugar, impacts your blood glucose more than you think. These carbohydrates are converted into glucose. To manage your blood sugar, limit your carb intake, especially processed carbs in foods like cookies, white bread, processed cereals, etc.